Thursday 27 October 2011

2A, 2B, 2C i) ii)

2A) Baby Dumping is a social crisis and has chronic increases as many cases are occurring in Malaysian society. Baby dumping usually occurs when the teenagers trying to avoid the responsibility and punishment from their parents. This is a cruel and selfish action which should not happen at all. Teenage parents give birth in a motel room and leave the child for dead in the dumpster., girls give birth in the school bathroom at night and leave the baby in the toilet or throw the baby into the garbage. Baby were left in rubbish bin , doorsteps and on the street prompting the government to considered treating this cases as murder or attempted murder.
            Baby dumping usually occurs due to the humanity in this world is getting worst. People are getting stone hearted to the baby and they decide to dump them as they like. This will cause a lot of dumped baby and the dead body of the baby can be found everywhere. Baby dumping usually happen to the teenagers due to their mistakes of not doing good prevention when having sex. They dump the baby away due to they are lack of responsibility and they are not ready to become a parent. In the other way, they were over stress and they didn’t think too much on what step should be taken next.
            Baby dumping usually occur due to the male convince the female to do so, and male must also have responsibility to take care of that child. Lack of economic income may also lead to baby dumping, for example, the teenagers are not suitable to have a baby due to they do not have any income to own this baby and they are afraid of the responsibility of being a father and mother. According to this case, they have to discuss with their parent and try to overcome this situation whether want to own this baby or just pass it to the orphanage house. This is a serious method because baby is consider as a human life, and if everybody dump their baby, I can’t even imagine what’s going to our society in the future. Government should take note on this case and take action if necessary . It is the worst decision ever if they decide to dump the baby without bordering about the babies life and death. The baby are made by their flesh and blood and they should have take care and take fully responsible of it since when they born this baby out.


2B) Baby dumping usually happen due to several reasons. First of all, the unwanted pregnancies is one of the major causes of baby dumping, as most of these young women are not well prepare to take care of the baby and try to get rid of the illegitimate child. Secondly, men irresponsibility may also constribute to the women decision as he convince the girl to dump the baby. The common understanding is that the mother cannot afford to raise them and are hoping that the babies they have left on the footsteps of some home, orphanage and mosques would be adopted by some loving couples and raised in better homes then what they can provide.
The government should take note about this issues and try to fix it as much as they can, so that the baby dumping case can be reduce to the least. Baby dumping case usually happened to those teenagers who are still under age and they don’t know how to handle the case by themselves, so they have no choice but to abandon their child and leave them die which is a very cruel action. Poverty is also one of the factor that causes child dumping. Person who just have poor social welfare system who are not financially capable of taking care of child most probably will dump the baby. The political condition such as difficulty in adorption proceeding may constribute to child dumping . Societies with strong social structures and liberal adoption laws are tend to have lower rate of child dumping. Family break up can be consider as the main factor that leads to baby dumping.
Family break ups happen after a very long period of time of misunderstanding, fighting and unhappiness. Children are mostly affected by this kind of situation when their mother and father decides to divorce and the child have to be separated to the father or mother, tendency is they will dump their children and when this child grow up, he or she will follow the ways their parents did to him/her by dumping their child without caring for the babies death or life. Stress of their parents are also the serious factor that cause the baby dumping cases. They do not dare to tell their parents that they have a baby and they do not know how to handle that baby, so they had decided to abandon the baby, and that is the only way for them to handle the case. They do not know how cruel are they of dumping a baby and they are unprepared to become a parents. This will lead to an irresponsible teenage parents.

2C)I) This baby dumping phenomenon is a direct result of our society’s failure to acknowledge and address the neglect of our children with our blinkered viewpoint of sex, and for allowing our personal religious convictions to dictate public health and education policies over proven and pragmatic approaches on issue of sexual reproductive health education. The baby dumping cases will bring a lot of negative view and thinking to the society. Moreover, the societies would imitate the same way to remove their babies if pregnant, and this will effect more dumped baby can be seen everywhere.
 Furthermore, this will lead the society to repeat the same mistakes and the dumping baby cases will increase. The humanity will getting worst if there is no improvement by the government. This will lead the baby dumping case to a normal case and everybody will use the same method to take away their babies and dumped baby. Dead body of the baby can be seen everywhere. The moral of the human will getting worst day by day and the human attitude is getting cold blooded and stone heart. This may affect the mind and thinking of the next generation. But in a society where abortion is prohibited, many girls who share her experience are left stranded and eventually choose to abandon their babies.
            Lastly, the next generation may repeat the same mistake as what has been done by their parents. This will affect their clean mind to be broken. The new generation will dump the baby if they don’t want to have it anymore, just like what the previous generation did. Dumping baby is also the responsibility of the government. Government should take action on it and try to solve the cases as much as possible. Babies are innocence, if the new generation won’t be able to protect them, who is going to?

2C)II) The impact of baby dumping to the nation is it will affect the humanity of a nation and the baby dumping will increase. The image of a nation will be affect by the baby dumping cases, and it will be consider as a black listed country. The visitor will not come to visit the nation and if they came to visit it and they saw a lot of dumped baby by the road or in the garbage bin, what will they feel about the country? How they feel about the country’s safety? And will they come for a visit if there’s a chance?
 The teenagers create a harmful environment and break the orders of lives and this may affect the nations future reputation. If the baby dumping cases keep on increasing, it may affect the reputation of a country and there will be less visitor come and visit the nation. This may lead to the nation can’t be a role model of other country. For example, teenagers are responsible of the nation future and they have to be a role model right now in order to take care of the future’s nation by not dumping and child purposely. If the new generation do not care about the nation, this nation will be totally mess up and dumping baby cases will increase.
The investor of other country would not dare to do investment in this nation due to many dumping baby cases. This will lead to the name of the nation drop and the economic of that certain nation will be unstable. The safety of the nation will be challenge and many investor will change their investment to other nation. This will lead the whole nation to a bankrupt situation and the people in the nation will be suffer of the safety and the lack of income.

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